J. K i a k a s

Storyteller / Illustrator / Concept Design

I like to call myself a storyteller of many mediums.  If you are reading this, hello!  You probably are wondering a little more about me.  The long story short, I’m a storyteller, most people know me as this.  Soon you will too (I hope).

Longer story is that I’ve been drawing since I can remember.  Browsing through this site you will see a collection of the drawings most recent.  I plan to keep working harder and harder at my passion to bring it up to par with the ideas in my brain.  I’m ambitious and I have plans for my future that may or may not be to try and get out there.  Show some people the stories I have lingering around in my head.  Introduce you to the characters that try to make names for themselves in this already really cluttered world.

I can see myself doing many things but, for now, I see you and I think you might want to stop being rather ridiculous and reading this and visit my site.  Go on.  Do the thing.

And then buy my book and see where my imagination really takes me (here).

